


  • 工作场所伤害
  • 施工事故
  • 工业事故
  • 反复劳损
  • 职业病
  • 雇主报复
  • 索赔被拒绝
  • 第三方责任索赔


在工作场所遭受伤害可能在身体和情感上都具有挑战性,尤其是当你感到被你信任的雇主背叛时。 在约翰·帕兰特律师事务所,我们专注于帮助费城受伤的工人应对工伤补偿制度的复杂性。无论你是被剥夺了福利、面临不公平待遇还是需要帮助提出索赔,约翰都会在这里为你的权利而战,确保你获得应得的补偿。

为什么 选择 John D. Pallante约翰理解工作场所伤害带来的挫折感和不确定性。他提供个性化的法律代理,花时间聆听您的故事并指导您完成整个过程的每一个步骤。凭借多年的工伤补偿案件经验,约翰致力于追究雇主和保险公司的责任,这样你就可以专注于康复。


  • 重复性压力损伤 (RSI): 重复工作导致的腕管综合症等疾病。
  • 背部和颈部受伤: 常见于体力要求很高的工作,例如建筑或体力劳动。
  • 工作场所事故: 从机械故障到跌倒,John 负责处理所有类型的工作场所事故。
  • 职业病: 因接触有害物质或不安全的工作环境而导致的疾病。
  • 与工作相关的心理伤害: 在工作场所条件引起的情绪困扰、骚扰或创伤的情况下。


如果你在工作中受伤,你可能有权获得以下几种类型的福利 宾夕法尼亚州的工人补偿法:

  • 医疗福利: 承保与您受伤有关的所有医疗服务,包括手术、处方、康复和未来护理。约翰确保所有必要的治疗均由保险公司承保。
  • 工资损失补助金: 如果你的受伤迫使你错过工作,你可以获得一部分工资损失的补偿。约翰将努力确保你在当前和未来的工资损失中获得公平的补偿。
  • 特定损失补助: 对永久性伤害的赔偿,例如肢体、视力或听力丧失。
  • 残疾津贴: 如果你的受伤导致部分或全部残疾,约翰将努力为你争取适当的伤残补偿,以帮助满足长期需求。
  • 职业康复: 如果您无法返回以前的工作,可以协助进行工作培训或修改。







雇主因你提出工伤补偿索赔而对你进行报复是非法的。如果您遭到报复,例如被降级、解雇或骚扰,John 将保护您的权利并采取法律行动追究雇主的责任。


我们知道,工作场所伤害会让你感到脆弱,尤其是在你面临雇主或保险公司的抵制时。 在约翰·帕兰特律师事务所,我们以同情心和奉献精神处理每一个案件,大力倡导您的权利。约翰与您密切合作,以建立有力的理由,收集医学证据,与专家合作,并与保险公司进行谈判,以确保获得最佳结果。


约翰通过个性化的法律代理帮助费城无数受伤的工人获得了公平的赔偿。不要只听我们的一面之词,请阅读我们的 客户感言 并查看我们的 案例结果 看看我们是如何帮助处于类似情况的其他人的。


如果你在工作中受伤,不要独自处理工伤补偿程序。立即致电 John D. Pallante 445-245-8788 对于 免费咨询。让我们帮助您获得应得的福利,让您的生活重回正轨。













欢迎来到的常见问题解答部分 帕兰特法。在这里,您将找到我们收到的有关法律服务和业务领域的一些最常见问题的答案。无论您是在寻求有关特定法律问题的信息,还是想进一步了解我们如何为您提供帮助,我们都汇总了这些答案来帮助指导您。

Can I receive workers compensation benefits if I have a pre-existing condition in Philadelphia?

Yes, Pennsylvania law allows workers to receive benefits if a workplace injury or activity aggravates, exacerbates, or worsens a pre-existing condition. However, there are specific considerations:

  1. Burden of Proof:
    You must show that the work-related incident directly caused the worsening of your condition. Medical records and testimony from your doctor will be critical in proving this connection.
  2. Common Pre-Existing Conditions:
    • Arthritis aggravated by repetitive tasks.
    • Back or neck injuries worsened by lifting or falls.
    • Asthma exacerbated by workplace air quality.
  3. Compensation for Aggravation:
    You are entitled to benefits based on the degree of aggravation caused by work, even if the underlying condition is not fully resolved.
  4. Employer Defenses:
    Employers and insurers may argue that the injury is entirely due to the pre-existing condition and not related to work. Having detailed medical evidence and an experienced attorney can help counter these defenses.

What types of injuries are covered by workers compensation in Philadelphia?

Workers' compensation in Pennsylvania, including Philadelphia, covers a wide range of injuries and illnesses, provided they are work-related. Covered conditions include:

  1. Physical Injuries:
    • Acute injuries: Slips, trips, and falls; machinery accidents; or lifting injuries.
    • Repetitive strain injuries: Carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, or back pain from repetitive tasks.
  2. Occupational Illnesses:
    • Conditions caused by workplace exposure to harmful substances, such as asbestosis, silicosis, or chemical burns.
    • Diseases linked to specific industries, like black lung disease for coal miners.
  3. Mental and Emotional Injuries:
    • Psychological conditions, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), may be covered if caused by a traumatic work-related event.
  4. Aggravation of Pre-Existing Conditions:
    If a workplace incident worsens a pre-existing injury or condition, it can qualify for benefits.
  5. Death Benefits:
    In cases where a workplace injury or illness results in death, workers’ compensation can provide death benefits to the employee's dependents.

How long do I have to file a workers compensation claim in Pennsylvania?

In Pennsylvania, workers’ compensation claims are subject to strict deadlines:

  1. Report the Injury to Your Employer:
    You must notify your employer of the injury within 21 days of its occurrence to receive benefits from the date of injury. If you report it after 21 days but within 120 days, you may still receive benefits, but only from the date you reported it.
  2. File the Claim:
    You have three years from the date of the injury to file a claim petition with the Workers' Compensation Office of Adjudication.
  3. For Occupational Diseases:
    If your condition develops over time (e.g., lung disease from chemical exposure), the clock starts when you first discover, or should have reasonably discovered, the connection between the condition and your work. In such cases, you generally have 300 weeks from your last date of employment in the hazardous environment to file a claim.

Failing to meet these deadlines can result in the forfeiture of your benefits, so it’s crucial to act quickly.

Can I choose my own doctor for a workers compensation claim in Philadelphia?

In Pennsylvania, including Philadelphia, the rules for choosing a doctor under workers’ compensation are somewhat restrictive:

  1. Initial Treatment:
    If your employer has a list of approved healthcare providers (a panel list) posted at the workplace, you’re required to choose a doctor from that list for the first 90 days of treatment.
    • The list must include at least six providers, with at least three physicians.
    • The list should be readily available and include diverse specialists.
  2. After 90 Days:
    After the initial 90-day period, you are free to choose your own doctor for treatment. At this point, workers’ compensation should still cover the costs, as long as the treatment remains reasonable and necessary.
  3. Exceptions to the Rule:
    You can bypass the panel list if:
    • Your employer failed to provide the list.
    • You need emergency treatment.
    • The listed providers are unavailable or do not specialize in your condition.
  4. Second Opinions:
    If surgery is recommended, you have the right to seek a second opinion at the employer's expense, even within the 90-day period.

What should I do if my workers compensation claim is denied in Philadelphia?

If your workers’ compensation claim is denied in Philadelphia, it’s important not to panic. Many claims are denied initially due to incomplete paperwork, missed deadlines, or disputes over the nature of the injury. Here’s what you should do:

  1. Understand the Reason for Denial:
    After a denial, you should receive a Notice of Denial outlining why your claim was rejected. Common reasons include:
    • The injury was not reported on time.
    • Insufficient evidence linking the injury to your job.
    • Disputes over whether the injury is work-related.
  2. File an Appeal:
    You can file a petition to the Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Office of Adjudication. The appeal must typically be filed within three years of the injury date or 20 days after receiving the denial notice (if disputing the denial specifically).
  3. Gather Evidence:
    Strengthen your case by collecting:
    • Medical records and reports from doctors.
    • Witness statements from coworkers who saw the incident.
    • Documentation of the workplace conditions or hazards.
  4. Consult a Workers' Compensation Attorney:
    An experienced attorney can help you navigate the appeals process, prepare your case, and represent you during hearings. Many attorneys in this field work on a contingency basis, meaning you won’t pay unless they win your case.
  5. Request a Hearing:
    If the denial persists, a judge will review your case in a formal hearing. Present all evidence to demonstrate that your injury is work-related and that you’re entitled to benefits.

What should I do if an insurance company offers me a settlement for my personal injury claim in Philadelphia?

If an insurance company offers you a settlement for your personal injury claim, here’s what you should do:

  • Do Not Accept Immediately: Initial settlement offers are often much lower than the actual value of your claim. Insurance companies aim to minimize payouts and may offer a quick resolution to avoid further negotiations or litigation.
  • Consult an Attorney: Before responding, speak with an experienced personal injury attorney. They can review the offer and determine if it adequately covers your damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and future costs.
  • Evaluate the Full Extent of Your Damages: Ensure that the settlement accounts for all past and future expenses related to your injury. Prematurely accepting an offer may leave you undercompensated if additional medical treatments or financial losses arise.
  • Counteroffer and Negotiations: If the initial offer is insufficient, your attorney can counter with a demand that reflects the true value of your case. Negotiations may go back and forth several times before reaching an agreement.
  • Rejecting the Offer: If negotiations fail, you have the right to reject the settlement and proceed with legal action. Your attorney can file a lawsuit and prepare the case for trial if necessary.

Remember, once you accept a settlement, you typically waive your right to pursue additional compensation. Acting with caution and seeking professional guidance is critical to securing a fair outcome.

Can I file a personal injury claim for emotional distress in Philadelphia?

Yes, you can file a personal injury claim for emotional distress in Philadelphia, as emotional and psychological damages are recognized under Pennsylvania law. Emotional distress refers to the mental suffering caused by an accident or injury and can include anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and sleep disturbances.

To successfully claim emotional distress, you will need to demonstrate the following:

  • Causation: Evidence that the emotional distress is directly linked to the incident in question.
  • Severity: Proof that the distress significantly impacts your daily life or mental health.
  • Medical Diagnosis: Documentation from psychologists, psychiatrists, or other mental health professionals diagnosing and treating your condition.

Emotional distress claims are often included in broader personal injury cases. While they can be challenging to quantify, compensation is typically determined based on the severity of the distress and its impact on your quality of life.

How do personal injury settlements work in Philadelphia?

Personal injury settlements in Philadelphia involve negotiating an agreement with the at-fault party or their insurer to resolve your claim without going to trial. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of the process:

  • Demand Letter: Your attorney will draft and send a demand letter to the at-fault party or their insurance company. This letter outlines the facts of the case, the extent of your injuries, and the amount of compensation you are seeking.
  • Negotiations: The insurance company will typically respond with a counteroffer, often much lower than the initial demand. Negotiations between your attorney and the insurer continue until both sides agree on a fair amount.
  • Settlement Agreement: Once a settlement is reached, a written agreement is drafted. This document specifies the compensation amount and typically includes a clause that releases the at-fault party from further liability.
  • Payment Distribution: After signing the settlement, the insurance company disburses the agreed-upon funds. Your attorney deducts their fees and any outstanding expenses (e.g., medical liens), and you receive the remaining amount.
  • Advantages of Settlements: Settlements avoid the uncertainty of a trial, provide quicker resolution, and often result in lower legal costs. However, they may involve compromises on the amount of compensation compared to what might be awarded by a jury.

A skilled attorney is essential to ensure you receive a settlement that adequately compensates you for your damages, including medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

What are the most common causes of personal injuries in Philadelphia?

Personal injuries in Philadelphia can occur in various settings and situations. Some of the most common causes include:

  • Motor Vehicle Accidents: Car, truck, and motorcycle accidents are leading causes of personal injuries in the city. Distracted driving, speeding, and driving under the influence are frequent contributors to these accidents. With heavy traffic and dense urban areas, Philadelphia sees a significant number of vehicle collisions annually.
  • Slip and Fall Accidents: These incidents often happen in commercial spaces, such as grocery stores, restaurants, and shopping malls, as well as on poorly maintained sidewalks. Common hazards include wet floors, uneven surfaces, or snow and ice accumulation.
  • Workplace Accidents: While many jobs are relatively safe, construction sites and industrial workplaces in Philadelphia present increased risks for injuries due to falls, machinery malfunctions, or lack of proper safety protocols.
  • Medical Malpractice: Errors by healthcare professionals, such as misdiagnoses, surgical mistakes, or improper medication dosages, can lead to severe personal injuries.
  • Premises Liability Incidents: Unsafe conditions on public or private properties, such as broken stairs, poor lighting, or dog attacks, can result in injuries. Property owners have a legal obligation to maintain safe environments for visitors.
  • Public Transportation Accidents: With SEPTA buses, trolleys, and trains operating throughout Philadelphia, passengers, pedestrians, and other drivers occasionally suffer injuries in transit-related accidents.




  1. 寻求医疗服务: 根据烧伤的严重程度,立即就医至关重要。烧伤会导致休克、感染和疤痕,因此,即使伤势看似轻微,也应去看医疗服务提供者。如果您提出赔偿申请,记录您的医疗记录也很重要。
  2. 记录事件: 如果可能,从事故现场收集证据。这可能包括烧伤的照片、烧伤发生的地点以及任何导致伤害的危险(例如有缺陷的设备、危险材料或危险状况)。
  3. 报告受伤情况: 如果烧伤发生在工作中,请立即向雇主报告该事件。您可能有资格获得工伤补偿,以弥补医疗费用和工资损失。如果烧伤是由第三方造成的,则可能需要向责任实体或其保险公司报告。
  4. 咨询人身伤害律师: 烧伤会导致长期的疼痛、毁容和情感创伤。经验丰富的人身伤害律师可以帮助您向责任方提出索赔。无论是工作场所疏忽案件、有缺陷的产品还是其他形式的责任,律师都将指导您完成法律程序。
  5. 追求补偿: 根据您的受伤情况,您可能可以为以下事项寻求赔偿:
    • 医疗账单(即时和长期护理)
    • 工资损失或赚钱能力下降
    • 痛苦和苦难
    • 情绪困扰
    • 毁容和疤痕






  • 人身伤害诉讼: 如果你的伤害是由他人的疏忽造成的,你可以提起诉讼,要求赔偿医疗费用、持续康复、工资损失和情绪困扰。
  • 工伤补偿: 如果你的伤害发生在工作中,你可以提出工伤赔偿申请。宾夕法尼亚州的工伤补偿金涵盖医疗费用和部分工资损失,但通常不补偿痛苦和痛苦。
  • 第三方索赔: 在某些工作场所事故中,第三方可能要承担责任,例如故障设备的制造商。在这些情况下,您可以对第三方提起诉讼,同时还可以收取工伤补偿。






  • 医疗费用: 当前和未来的费用都与治疗、康复和持续护理有关。
  • 工资损失: 对错过的工作时间进行补偿,如果受伤影响了您重返工作岗位的能力,则将损失未来的收入潜力。
  • 痛苦与苦难: 这包括与您的受伤相关的身体痛苦和情感创伤。
  • 失去生活的乐趣: 如果你的伤害导致认知、身体或情感障碍,使你无法像以前一样享受生活,那么你可能也有权为此获得补偿。




  1. 初步咨询和调查:这包括与律师会面、收集证据和立案,这可能需要几周到几个月的时间,具体取决于获得证据的速度。
  2. 提起诉讼: 提起诉讼后,被告有一定时间作出回应(通常为30天)。预审程序在那之后开始。
  3. 发现阶段: 在发现过程中,双方交换证据并作证。这个阶段可能需要几个月的时间,特别是在证据争议或涉及专家证人的情况下。
  4. 谈判和和解讨论: 许多人身伤害案件是通过和解谈判解决的,这可能发生在过程中的任何时候。在审判前和解可以节省时间,但这个阶段可能持续几个月到一年以上,具体取决于双方的谈判意愿。
  5. 试用(如有必要): 如果案件没有和解,它将进入审判阶段,这可能需要几天到几周的时间。审判结束后,可能仍需要一段时间才能获得最终判决或裁决。
  6. 上诉(如果适用):如果任何一方对判决不满意, 他们可以提起上诉, 进一步延长诉讼程序.



是的,即使你对事故有部分过失,你仍然可以在费城提出人身伤害索赔。宾夕法尼亚州遵循 修改后的比较过失 规则,该规则允许受伤害方在事故过错不超过50%的情况下追回损失。但是,您的补偿将减少您的过错百分比。例如:

  • 如果发现您的事故过错为20%,则您的总赔偿金将减少20%。因此,如果你获得了10万美元的奖励,你将在减免后获得8万美元。
  • 如果您有51%或以上的过错,则无权获得任何赔偿。确定过失可能很复杂,这就是为什么拥有一位了解宾夕法尼亚州比较过失法的熟练律师至关重要的原因。他们可以帮助您顺利完成这一过程,收集证据以最大限度地减少您的过失,并确保您获得尽可能大的补偿。



  • 医疗记录: 详细记录您的伤情、治疗和预后至关重要。医疗记录可以证明您的受伤程度,并可以将其与事故联系起来。
  • 事故报告: 无论是警方关于车祸的报告还是滑倒的事件报告,事故的官方文件都有助于确定所发生事件的事实。
  • 证人陈述: 如果有人目睹事故发生,他们的证词可以证实你对事件的说法,支持你的过失指控。
  • 照片和视频: 事故现场、您的受伤或任何财产损失的照片或视频提供了视觉证据,这些证据在法庭或谈判中可能很有说服力。
  • 专家证词:在复杂的情况下,可能需要事故重建师、医疗专业人员或职业专家等专家来解释事故原因或受伤的影响。
  • 财务损失证明:收据、账单和工资单可作为您遭受的经济损失的证据,例如医疗账单或工资损失。你的证据越详尽、越有条理,你的主张就越有力。与经验丰富的律师合作可以帮助确保有效收集和出示所有相关证据。



  • 车祸: 最常见的人身伤害索赔之一,可能涉及车辆、行人或骑自行车者之间的碰撞,通常导致从轻到重的伤害。
  • 滑倒和跌倒事故: 费城的财产所有者有法律责任保护其房屋安全。由于地板潮湿或人行道维护不善等不安全条件,可能会在商店、餐馆甚至私人住宅等场所发生滑倒和跌倒事故。
  • 医疗事故:如果费城的医疗保健提供者未能达到护理标准,患者可能会因误诊、手术失误或用药错误而受伤,从而提出医疗事故索赔。
  • 工作场所伤害:尽管宾夕法尼亚州的工伤补偿制度为受伤的工人提供福利,但某些案件,例如涉及第三方疏忽或故意伤害的案件,可能允许在工人赔偿范围之外提出人身伤害索赔。
  • 狗咬伤和动物袭击: 狗主人有责任控制他们的宠物。如果你在费城被狗咬伤或袭击,你可能有权获得医疗费用和情感创伤赔偿。
  • 产品责任:这涉及由缺陷产品造成的伤害,无论是由于制造错误、设计缺陷还是警告不足。
  • 不当死亡: 如果亲人因他人的疏忽而死亡,他们的家人可以提出非法死亡索赔,要求赔偿医疗费用、丧葬费用、收入损失和情感痛苦。处理这些案件的目的是确保受害者获得应有的伤害和损失赔偿。


要在费城提出工人赔偿索赔,您必须在120天内向雇主报告受伤情况。一旦申报,你的雇主应向你提供一份工伤补偿申请表。请务必准确填写此表格并立即提交。提交申请后,您的索赔将经过审查,如果获得批准,您将开始领取福利。但是,浏览此过程可能很复杂,错误可能导致延迟或拒绝。向某人咨询 经验丰富的工人补偿律师 就像 John D. Pallante 一样,可以帮助您避开陷阱,并确保您的索赔从一开始就得到正确处理。


在宾夕法尼亚州,工人补偿福利包括医疗费用、工资损失和永久性伤害的特定损失补助金。此外,如果工人因受伤无法重返以前的工作,他们可能有资格获得职业康复。因工伤死亡的工人的受抚养人也可获得死亡抚恤金。咨询知识渊博的人至关重要 费城的工人补偿律师,像约翰·帕兰特一样,确保你获得应得的所有福利。

  • 寻求医疗救助: 首先,通过寻求医疗护理来处理任何伤害。这样可以确保将您的健康放在首位,并创建您的受伤医疗记录。
  • 举报事件: 尽快将秋季的情况通知业主或经理。记录他们的回复并获得书面报告(如果有)。
  • 收集证据:从现场收集证据,包括导致跌倒的危险状况的照片,例如地板潮湿、表面凹凸不平或光线不佳。
  • 记录你的伤势: 记录您的治疗、费用以及受伤对您的日常生活和工作造成的任何影响。
  • 咨询人身伤害律师:专门处理滑倒和跌倒事故的律师可以帮助您了解法律选择,收集证据,并要求赔偿损失。



  • 医疗福利: 承保与工伤有关的所有合理和必要的医疗费用,包括医院账单、处方和康复费用。
  • 工资损失补助金: 如果你因受伤而无法工作,你可以获得工资损失补助金。这通常相当于您平均每周工资的三分之二左右,但须遵守宾夕法尼亚州法律规定的最高限额。
  • 残疾补助金: 残疾补助金有两种类型:一些文字
    • 暂时性完全残疾 (TTD): 适用于那些在恢复期间根本无法工作的人。
    • 暂时性部分残疾 (TPD): 适用于那些能够以有限能力或有限制工作的人。
  • 永久残疾补助金: 如果受伤导致永久性损伤,您可能有权获得永久残疾补助金。这些是基于损伤的严重程度及其对工作能力的影响。
  • 死亡抚恤金: 如果工人死于与工作有关的伤害或疾病,其受抚养人可以获得工资损失和丧葬费的补偿。
  • 职业康复: 如果受伤使你无法重返以前的工作,你可能有资格获得职业康复服务,以帮助你找到新工作或获得新技能。

  • 伤害或伤害: 您一定是由于另一方的疏忽或故意不当行为而遭受了身体、情感或经济上的伤害。常见的伤害包括骨折、头部受伤或情绪困扰。
  • 疏忽:确定另一方的疏忽是否导致了你的伤害。疏忽涉及未能采取合理的谨慎措施,例如司机开红灯或财产所有者未能维持安全条件。
  • 因果关系: 在疏忽行为与您的伤害之间建立直接联系。这意味着证明您遭受的伤害是另一方的行为的直接结果。
  • 损害赔偿: 评估您遭受的损失,例如医疗费用、工资损失以及痛苦和痛苦。你需要量化这些损失才能有效地寻求赔偿。
  • 咨询律师: 人身伤害律师提供免费咨询,以评估您的案件的可行性。他们可以根据您的具体情况帮助确定您的索赔是否有效。

联系你的费城人身伤害律师 约翰·帕兰特 今天!